
David Street 18th November 2014

Hi Dad, well 5 years have passed since we had to say goodbye, it is still as painful today as it was back then. You are always in my thoughts and I do wish that we could have one more day together. Not being able to talk to your Dad face-to-face is indescribably sad. Grace is a wonderful teenager and doing really well at school. I leave the Army in January after 24 years - do you remember that awful holiday to Portugal we went on, that you recommended, before I joined up? Rain all week and a 7 hour delay on the flight home. I can see now why you were never a travel agent! I am in Cheltenham now with Tracey (she is so beautiful, caring and kind) and have never been happier. Thanks for everything you did for me and the things you taught me. I love you Dad xx

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