
2015 November 18

Created by Mari 8 years ago
So often I want to be able to just turn to you and share with you what I'm thinking or doing - you are never far from my thoughts.  Life is full and busy - yet there is still such a big hole!  I'm busy again just at the moment preparing for the next fundraising event but with so much to do I'm a bit 'rabbit in the headlights' and not getting very far.  Still, it will be as it will be. My little dog, Bertie, keeps me both busy and cheery - he is very good company and full of mischief.  He is frequently told 'I don't know what your dad would make of you!'.  I'm sure you would love him as much as I do, Les.  He certainly helps me through the troughs of my life without you.  I can't believe it's now six years since I lost you - so much I and the children would have loved you to share.  However, you are still very much a part of the family get togethers, and we laugh a lot as we recall some of the good times - and I'm sure you realise that often the laughter is at your expense!! Oh my goodness, the pranks that you and the children played on each other!!  So very many happy happy happy memories of you my darling, lovely man.  I'm so very lucky to have been so completely loved by you, and to have shared so many years with you xxxx